Friday, September 30, 2011

Renewed Passion

We all have something we are passionate about, some more than others. But it is something we all have in common, we all have a passion. Your passion can be your job, your family or spouse, some more personal like art, helping others, movies whatever we have something in us that ignites the flame when presented. Every passion requires a rekindling of the flame if you will, to keep it burning brighter and longer. If you are a teacher you might have a student approach you and express their appreciation ergo your passion and confirmation of being a teacher is renewed. You and your spouse can get so caught up in the family, especially when kids are involved, and that passion seems to fade. However after a weekend away with each other without distraction, that passion is renewed and that flame burns brighter.

Tonight I saw one of my most favorite artist ever, not just in Christian music, perform. Steven Curtis Chapman has been my music icon for as long as I can remember. I've blogged about him in previous blogs of mine such as A Family to Mirrorr - The Chapman's and Christmas is All in the Heart  . As a 14 year old boy I listened to his Great Adventure CD for the first time and I was hooked. God used his music to speak and inspire me to pick up the guitar and sing and play for Him. Ever since I gave these talents over to God I have tried to use them to further His kingdom ever since. However like most passions it became stale and I would back off awhile. I have been back at these past couple of years going strong but when I'm not performing as much as I would like I get frustrated in my craft and sometimes wonder if its still worth it. Well tonight my passion was renewed.

I have recently honed in on my passion of music and performing to more so adult contemporary. I have never been "hip". In fact even when I was a teenager, college student, and young adult I never felt that my style of playing fit what my peers were listening to. Yes I would try to Jars of Clay my songs in worship or Audio Adrenalin my way through a service but it was never me or my style. Currently I lead music for our Young Adult Ministry (YAM) at my church and even then I do not feel that I relate to the style of music they are accustom to listening to. However I love singing for adults and songs that they relate to. This is the genre of Steven Curtis Chapman, Christian Adult Contemporary. I can relate to this group, and for some reason I have always related to this group even when I was younger. I find this to be strange even in my professional life as well. Put me in a conversation with someone older than me and we can talk for hours. Put me in a conversation with someone who is a peer or younger and I can be at a loss for words.

Nevertheless my passion was restored tonight and my direction is clearer. Focus on the what I know and what God reveals in my life. I relate more to adults. Then minister to that group. I love to tell stories. Then write songs about stories. This is my renewed focus for my passion.

I want to challenge you to pinpoint that passion of yours. You know what it is. When was the last time you visited it? When was the last time you did something with it? Spend some quality time with your passion(s) and get to know it all over again. You'd be surprised what you can learn about yourself when that passion is renewed.


1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)
