I think I can speak for most guys when I say I'm having a George Bailey kind of day. These are the days when we feel like the world is passing us by, and we are missing out on so much from this life. We know that God has blessed us with much, but again as a guy it typically comes when we see our friends or peers take an extra leap forward in life and our lives all of the sudden seem like it's stuck.
In 2002 my wife and I bought our first house. It was a true starter home that was about 1500 sqft 3 bedroom 2 bath house. It was a perfect set up for a newlywed couple. Fast forward nine years, two kids and a dog later this comfy 1500 square footer is bursting at the seams with stuff. It's not just junky stuff but it's necessary stuff. We have become the poster child family for Target's organization bends and bookcases. Due to this fabulous economy we can not sell our house. Our neighborhood is full of For Sale signs and even worse Rent signs making it very difficult to sell what we have.
The George Bailey mood sets in when our friends are all selling their starter homes and moving into their dream/adult homes. These are homes that my wife and I have always dreamed about but never made the jump. I personally feel like George Bailey when his friends have moved on from Bedford Falls and George is stuck in his dead end family savings and loan. Or when Sam Wainwright surprises George at his car invites him on a little trip but George being held back by his current responsibilities declines. A frustrated George Bailey takes a quick glimpse of his life and kicks the door of his old ragged car.
It's not just real estate but it's practically anything we see other people have that we have always thought we'd have for ourselves at this stage in life. These things could be money, success, toys, and some a little more humble, kids and a family. So why do we put ourselves through this circus of coveting our neighbor? How come we are never satisfied with what we have? It's because we are human. It's not a crutch but a fact. I believe God has designed us to be needy. If we weren't always needy then we would never need God or turn to Him for answers.
My George Bailey days are almost always countered with a reminder of what I have, where I've been, and how God has always had His hand on my life. I see my beautiful and healthy family and I am thankful. I receive that paycheck every two weeks and I am thankful because that hasn't always been so. And I think of all of the many blessings God has given me so far in this life.
If you haven't noticed I am a sucker for old classic movies. One of my favorite scenes is from White Christmas when Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney sing a little song "Count Your Blessings". The simple words of this song is the perfect reminder of what God has given you now, where God has brought you from, and His promises for you tomorrow.
- Steve
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