Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why a Blog?

I have been wanting to pick up blogging for two main reasons. One, I don't want to miss what all is going on in my day to day life. Everyone says life happens in a blink if an eye and we are not to miss one moment of it. So just like I chronicled my childhood through "Lucy Memoirs" I want to chronicle this crazy journey I'm on with my wife and two children. Documenting as much as I can so that 10, 20, 30+ years from now I will be able to look back and remember times gone by. I see this as a great tool to upload memories for years to come.

The second reason for restarting this blog is to figure out the here and now. What I, as a Christian man, go through, the battles I fight, the beauty I see, and the unanswered questions I have. I'm very blessed to have a heavenly Father walk through this journey with me and for the wonderful instruction manual He gives me to figure out this crazy ride. These blogs may or may not benefit the reader but these will be things that define who I am and ways to look back on to see how God brought me through. In addition I think it will be pretty cool for my now 10 week old son Cole to see how good ole dad handled situations, lived life and how it could possibly give him direction for his trials as he becomes a man, father etc.

So here we go, a start of something new, something else to clutter my already cluttered world. However, unlike most clutter in my life I see great purpose in this blog. I see this more of an investment. Its kind of like a picture album pulled off the shelf and dusted off. You open it and floods of memories just hit you at once as you venture back in time to childhood memories, families past and present, and reminders of how good you actually had it. From a family standpoint photo albums are pretty much a thing of the past. We rarely print out pictures and paste them in a book. Today we take digital pictures, upload them to an album on our computer, share them on social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, and share our lives with a click of a button. Beyond that we take digital videos and can share them the same way. No more boxes and boxes of old VHS tapes or newly burned DVD's everything is now saved on the world wide web.

So I blog, put all of my history here where it is safe from any kind of natural disasters and can be accessed anywhere and at anytime. Now I will be freely blogging on my own time without my wife's "proof reading", as she did for me in "Lucy Memories" so please excuse the mountain of misspelled words and grammatical errors. For this I apologize but there again, is that stuff really all that important in casual blogging such as this? Nevertheless its time to start blogging!


1 comment:

  1. Nowadays the social media seems to demand that thoughts about life be narrowed into one or two sentences, but I find that I'm way too wordy for that, and need a longer narrative on my blog. It's definitely a better way to unload your real thoughts and hopes and dreams, without having to be short and pithy every time. You know, like this lengthy comment that's going on and on and on and ... I'll stop now.
